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Planning for Parents

Planning for Parents of Children who are Differently-Abled or have a Disability. A high-level overview of the concerns for most families, whether you are just getting started or your child is at or reaching adulthood.
We know that every child is unique and that every family's path may be different, but ultimately everyone is on the same journey. This presentation is meant to be a guide to help you and your child navigate the steps ahead; for now and in the future.

Some of the topics we'll cover:

  • Not All Assets Are The Same: Setting up a supplemental needs trust is only half the process, now you have to decide what assets are going to be designated toward the trust. Careful - not all your assets are treated the same when it comes to being in a trust.

  • Not All Assets Transfer By Will: Understanding that some of your assets will not be governed by your Will, that there are beneficiary designations that override your choices or decisions. Make sure all of these are aligned properly.

  • Planning For Their Future & Yours: A common notion among families is that once you're gone, whatever is left over will then pass to the trust. But how do you know? And how will that impact the rest of your child's quality of life. Planning is a crucial element when trying to decide on how to fund a special needs trust.

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February 16

ABLE (529A) Accounts & Ways to Fund Supplemental Needs Trust

May 4

Planning for Parents